This post is an attempt to track some of the differences we have noticed between the comforts of living in the US and the alternatives in Switzerland. One thing I am sure most can agree on is that Starbucks is great around the holidays and we just happened to find one close to work in Vevey.
CH 18.40 (approx $20 USD) later and we had our large holiday coffees and Ashleigh is happy! Which, everyone knows if Ashleigh isn't happy then nobody is going to be happy :)
See everyone is happy! Deacon is even thinking about smoking to fit in!
We used to think that Texas was so far away from everyone and we were thankful for cell phones and cheap nationwide long distance. That is no longer the case here! We have invested in Magic Jacks and Skype to keep in touch with those that we care about! Case-in-point Ashleigh on a Skype call with Karen, Micki, and Kerri. My computer has the camera so it has come to the point now where I need to schedule out time 2 weeks ahead of time with my own computer in order to avoid conflicts with Ashleigh's busy Skype schedule! She is very popular!
The one thing that I have missed almost as much as our furniture and household goods are hotdogs! But we found a solution to that; pretzel buns, swiss mustard, and swiss hotdogs yummie!
Dog raincoats & boots???
Well we are in Switzerland and its winter!!! Thanks to Ashleigh's mom and dad we do not have to worry about the dogs being cold during the short walks and potty breaks. Deacon is thrilled!
No this was not taken at glamour shots and Izzie does not have pom-poms she does not have opposable thumbs to hold them so Ashleigh's mom built them in to her dog boots instead!
As you can see we are adjusting to the climate and preparing for the cool winter days ahead.
Now that we have received all of our household goods we hope to settle in and relax a little like our furry friends.
So remember when in Switzerland... do as an ex-pat trying to figure out Swiss/Euro culture and find plenty of substitutes for the things depend on and miss! Cheers!