Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Help! Looking for Quick Thanksgiving Advice

As we all know, it is the day before Thanksgiving (one of my favorite days of the year). Scott and I are hosting 9 people at our house tomorrow for the big day. There are only a few issues:

  1. All of our belongings from the states just arrived on Friday so our house is a MESS.  We've needed to work this week so we've been attempting to combine what was formally 2 Texas size homes into 1 Switzerland size home each night after 12 hours in the office. Yuck! We still have so much to do even to be able to fine the table. I am proud to say we have successfully built 5 Ikea wardrobes.
  2. Thanksgiving is not exactly a Switzerland holiday so we had to take a vacation day. Boo!
  3. The really exciting part is that my great friend, Katy will be joining from CA for the weekend. Below is a picture so you all know who she is:

4. Here's the tricky part that I'm hoping to get all of your help with.  They do not sell cranberries in Switzerland so no cranberry sauce. Any quick alternatives?  Also, they do not sell any type of cherry or pumpkin for pies. I am going to make an apple pie but come on, we have 9 people. I need at least 1 more, probably 2. I tried for pecan but I cannot find corn syrup. If anyone has a pecan pie recipe that does not require corn syrup, I would pay top dollar for it.  Any other dessert recipes with simple ingredients would be greatly appreciated.  On the bright side, we did get our "turkey". We were too late in the game to order a full turkey instead so we wiped out 2 stores of their turkey breasts.  $50 later, we have  a full 7 lbs of turkey breast.
I'll leave you today with a quick picture of our first snow. Not much and yes, it's in the dark before work but at least it may inspire you to help me with some recipes.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Scott and Ashleigh

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