Monday, November 8, 2010

Dubai,Crepes, Tulips and Passports for Dogs: These are a few of my favorite things

The past couple of weeks have continued to be an adventure for us. Scott has been traveling between Poland, the Netherlands and Germany quite a bit. He has a couple of big projects he is in the middle of and then we're hoping the weekly travel will slow down so that we can get back to our French lessons :) I also took a trip to Dubai for work. What an amazing city. Amazing in that I am very glad I went to visit and would happily visit again but am not sure that I would want to move there. We went inside the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. Our hosts were incredibly hospitable and it was nice to meet some of my colleagues that I had been working with over the phone.

Looking out at the mall from the Burj Khalifa

Looking out at the city from the Burj Khalifa

Looking up at  the Burj Khalifa
The view of the city from our dinner cruise

When I returned from Dubai, Scott and I had dinner with our friends, John and Catherine. Catherine is French and treated us to a crepe buffet that she put together. The unfortunate part is that I learned that they are just about as easy to make as pouring a bowl of cereal. That prompted me to make crepes for dinner the next three nights while Scott was out of town. After all, I'm already used to him doing the cooking. What am I supposed to do if he isn't here?  I was also thrilled because I planted 40 tulip bulbs to line our walkway. Don't you all worry, you'll get pictures this spring when they pop up.

Lastly, with Scott and I going to Nick and Jessica's wedding in Virginia, we had a find a place to leave the dogs. It was finally time to do what we had been putting off. We got the passports for them that are needed any time you take them somewhere public like a kennel or across any borders. I never thought about a passport for a dog but voila, now they have them. Now we just have to train the dogs to come back when Jean-Phillipe calls them. As he told us when we picked them up today, "the little one is stubborn. We went for a walk in the forest and when I called her to come back, she just looked at me then kept walking".  Izzie, stubborn, come on. Oops, guess we need to work on the off leash walks.

The wedding in Virginia was fantastic, though. Great music, beautiful setting, many of my favorite people and Nick and Jessica looked amazing. Congratulations to them and here are a couple of pictures from the trip.

1 comment:

  1. Where in VA were you? I would've loved to see you! Sounds like you are busy and having a great time. Take care!
